Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Okay. So i'm doing such a terrible job at this that I thought I might start with the easiest part; where I live!

So I live here! (I'd put a street address, but this is the internet, so google street view will have to do). It's the orange door on the right. My window is right above the door, mostly obscured by a giant tree.

Feel free to waltz around my block virtually in street view while I chill here.

Okay cool. So I'm in the Mission (Mission District), a lively neighbourhood known for it's latino and hipster populations (I'm in the latter category, I guess…), it's delicious food and colourful murals. I have no photos of said murals. :)
Only photos of random awesome cathedrals!

And masks. Ah, the Mission.
I have three roomies; a games coder, a games producer and a hipster-hatshop milliner studying fashion design. They're all cool and accommodating. And now they all know the Tim Tam slam!

I'm in the "small room" - thankfully it's not Harry Potter small. However, it does have a seven foot loft!
So yeah, that's where I sleep. The bit under is where I work / watch The West Wing. And the second photo is the heady view from the top. Since that photo was taken I've added glow-in-the-dark strips along the edge of the loft; the lamp is the only light in the room and I didn't enjoy clamouring up in pitch black and fighting a laughably big doona once I switched it off. (turns out my bed is a single, not a double. Oopsie.)
Also, I improvised a laptop stand… :)


Here are some more internals shots. Notice the fancy, old-skool carpentry? San Francisco is all about that stuff.

I'll leave you with a cool shot of downtown San Francisco. Clearly it's aching for a good ol' fashioned car chase!
I look forward to getting better at this and, of course, sharing my wisdumb!



  1. I am totally jealous of your left bed. As much as I've wanted to buy one for ages, I don't think The come in king size

    Cool tales of your trip so far. Next you'll have to tell us where you shop and eat out=P I want to see more of the crazy American food, like yellow eggs and orange cheese

    1. Good point. I'll take more photos of food. :)

      And the loft bed isn't so great when you wake up needing to pee! :/

  2. Congrats on commencing your blog Dan. It is good to be able to imagine you in your new home and cooking!! on that big stove. Thinking of you lots, love Mum

  3. Hi Dan thanks for the tour. I'm sure your abode will profit from your wit. I look forward to receiving more of your 'wisdumb'. Your loft bed is not for the faint hearted. It might be a challenge after a few guinesses. Have you patented the laptop stand?

  4. You are only about 2km from the DNA Lounge! How is your area for walking?

    1. Didn't know you were into the night clubs, matt... :)
      It's okay. SF has some crazies that you best avoid, and plenty of harmless homeless (3 times fast) so walking at night isn't too bad in my area. But i've been warned against heading east at all at night - just gets nastier with each block, apparently.

    2. Sounds like an East Side!/West Side! thing.

      The DNA Lounge is the result of the only time in history (modulo my information sources and memory) that a famous programmer ( http://www.jwz.org/blog/ ) got fed up with programming and decided to take up running a night club instead. Successfully, by appearances.

  5. Love it Dan! Thanks for the tour of 'home'. Very cool....
